CALL FOR ENTRY TO BRIDGE 2 INVENTOR 2019! Thai Bridgestone calls on young inventors to showcase their creations under the concept of ‘Innovation for Smart Mobility’
by Providing Bridge 2 Inventor 2019 : B2i

Bangkok (April 29, 2019) – Thai Bridgestone, a subsidiary of the world’s largest tire and rubber company, is encouraging young inventors to enter the Bridge 2 Inventor 2019 campaign and showcase their ingenious creations under the concept of ‘Innovation for Smart Mobility’.
The main objective of this campaign is to improve road safety by using creative and technological innovations. Young inventors who enter the campaign have a chance to win over 600,000 baht in scholarships.
“Bridge 2 Inventor has been organised for 12 consecutive years and is the only platform where students across the country can showcase their skills and knowledge in science and technology,” said Hideyuki Takeda, Managing Director of Thai Bridgestone.
Mr. Takeda added: “Mobility is just as important to human progress as it is to everyday life. By creating innovations for smart mobility, young participants will be able to enhance the way people work, live and play.”
Mr. Takeda believes that this contest will inspire younger generations to continue to create ingenious works which can be key factors for the country’s future development.
Eligibility requirements: To qualify for the competition, all participants must be students and enrolled in Mattayom 4-6. Registrations can be made through the online registration website at from today to June 23, 2019.
Prizes will be awarded as follows:
The first prize: 40,000 baht with scholarships to attend a public university for a bachelor degree
The second prize: 30,000 baht
The third prize: 20,000 baht
The most creative prize: 10,000 baht
The best presentation prize: 10,000 baht
The best technical prize: 10,000 baht
About Bridgestone:
Bridgestone Corporation, headquartered in Tokyo, is the world’s largest tire and rubber company. In addition to tires for use in a wide variety of applications, it also manufactures a broad range of diversified products, which include industrial rubber and chemical products and sporting goods. Its products are sold in over 150 nations and territories around the world.
In Thailand, Bridgestone has managed to achieve sustainable growth and success through a great confidence from end-users, dealers, and automotive manufacturers since its production 50 years ago. Through our history, the company has shown a great determination to research, invent, and create excellent products that are suitable for domestic use. Additionally, together with well selected raw materials, state-of-the-art production facilities and machines, and highest standard of quality control, these enable Bridgestone to journey on the same path with corporate mission – “Serving Society with Superior Quality.”